Note: AI suggestions are there to help with your decisions

1. Car Route


Background Data:

Route A to Destination:

Distance: 10 miles

Time: 14 Minutes

Avg Speed: 42.8 mph

Route B to Destination:

Distance: 13 miles

Time: 18 Minutes

Avg Speed: 43.33 mph


An accident occurred somewhere on Route A, traffic is now being directed to use a detour. This detour adds 1.5 miles on to Route A as a result. Route B's status remains unchanged.


In the current situation, which route will get you to your destination the fastest?

XAI Suggestions:

The current situation increases Route A by 1.5 miles. If the average speed of the route remains unchanged you'll reach your destination sooner.

Route A is fastest

0: 1.32998974

1: 1.17611535

Route A has changed to include a detour with unknown data. This detour has a 46% chance to decrease the average speed of Route A which might make it slower than taking Route B. Route B data remains unchanged.

Decision Options (select 1):

A: Route A
B: Route B

Did you use the AI suggestions to help in your decision?

Yes No

How much did you use the AI suggestions in your decision? (1: not at all 7:it's all I used)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

In general, which AI suggestion did you prefer?

Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta

How difficult was it for you to complete this scenario? (1: Easy 7: Very Difficult)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What was the thought process behind your decision?

Rank XAI Suggestion Types:
Understandability Confidence Intelligence Friendliness Second Chance

2. Pick an Employee


You're looking to hire another full-time employee. This new employee's main job will be to finish an important project named Magma. Once the project is done the employee will be used as a resource to complete additional projects taken on by the company.


-Project Magma is a solo project

-Project Magma has a 6-month Deadline

-If Project Magma Fails, the company will lose 70% of its profits

-All other projects performed by the company are team based

-After hiring this new employee, the company must to wait 1 year before hiring another

Candidate Data:

Candidate 1:

Expert experience, says they can complete the project in 4 months, reclusive, does not like working on teams, master of all things, prefers things their way

Candidate 2:

Intermediate experience, says they would need 5 months to complete the project, outgoing, enjoys teams, quick learner, adapts well


Who's the best choice to hire as a full-time employee?

XAI Suggestions:

0: 1.18653327

1: 1.49537690

Candidate 1 has a 95% chance of finishing the project on time with a supporting trait of expertise. Candidate 2 has an 87% chance of finishing the project on time with a supporting trait of adaptability. Candidate 1 has a 55% integrability score and Candidate 2 has a 91% integrability score for future work with the company.

Candidate 2 has the highest probability of completing the project on time. On time completion of the project has the highest priority. I will Hire Candidate 2

Hire Candidate 2

Decision Options (select 1):

A: Candidate 1
B: Candidate 2

Did you use the AI suggestions to help in your decision?

Yes No

How much did you use the AI suggestions in your decision? (1: not at all 7:it's all I used)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Which AI suggestion did you prefer?

Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta

How difficult was it for you to complete this scenario? (1: Easy 7: Very Difficult)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What was the thought process behind your decision?

Rank XAI Suggestion Types:
Understandability Confidence Intelligence Friendliness Second Chance

3. Image Classification



Your job is to classify this image. This image is a silhouette of an animal.


Which animal is it?

XAI Suggestions:

This is a dog

0: 1.98416305

1: 2.37661153

2: -1.16433734

Historical training data indicates 100% of foxes have long tails equal to the length of the body, Cats and dogs can have pyramid-shaped ears, most Cats have triangular-shaped ears, Dogs have rounded ears.

Image contains wide rounded pyramid-shaped ears and a proportionally wider body than most cats and foxes. I classify this as a Dog.

Decision Options (select 1):

A: Cat
B: Dog
C: Fox

Did you use the AI suggestions to help in your decision?

Yes No

How much did you use the AI suggestions in your decision? (1: not at all 7:it's all I used)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Which AI suggestion did you prefer?

Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta

How difficult was it for you to complete this scenario? (1: Easy 7: Very Difficult)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What was the thought process behind your decision?

Rank XAI Suggestion Types:
Understandability Confidence Intelligence Friendliness Second Chance

4. Investigate Scene


You're part of the local law enforcement patrolling a neighborhood that's frequented by homeless individuals. Law enforcement will patrol the area occasionally to keep homeless individuals off resident property and ensure no criminal mischief is occurring. It's not illegal for homeless individuals to occupy public property.


You spot a person concealed in bushes on public property 10 Ft away from a residential home.

-Temperature: cold, but not freezing

-Time: 1 a.m.

-The home has thick shrubbery in garden beds. These garden beds are right in front of the house

-The person is lying on their stomach facing the residential home

-The person has on a black hoody, black gloves, black pants, and what appears to be black material covering the bottom half of their face


Is this person more likely to be a homeless individual or involved in criminal mischief?

XAI Suggestions:

Individual clothing items are classified to be used with cold weather decreasing probability of criminal intent. The combination of all clothing worn increases probability of criminal intent. The combination of all clothing worn and color further increases probability of criminal intent. Person on public property decreases probability of criminal intent. Concealment near residence has higher probability for criminal intent than use of bush for shelter.

Homeless Person

Person is wearing several items of clothing classifying as cold weather clothing. Person is on public property. This is classified as a homeless person.

0: 1.71630112

1: 1.56335627

Decision Options (select 1):

A: Homeless Individual. Leave them alone
B: Involved in criminal mischief. Investigate.

Did you use the AI suggestions to help in your decision?

Yes No

How much did you use the AI suggestions in your decision? (1: not at all 7:it's all I used)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Which AI suggestion did you prefer?

Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta

How difficult was it for you to complete this scenario? (1: Easy 7: Very Difficult)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What was the thought process behind your decision?

Rank XAI Suggestion Types:
Understandability Confidence Intelligence Friendliness Second Chance

5. Choose An Action

Background Data:

- You operate an air defense system. Your job is to alert HQ only when an enemy enters the outer boundary that encompasses the main airspace.

- An alert will trigger HQ to sound an alarm and arm the surface to air missile systems

- This outer boundary is occupied by commercial as well as military aircraft.

- The main airspace sits on top of residential homes of which are occupied by civilians

- A false alert results in automatic job loss

- A missed alert could result in hundreds of deaths



You track an enemy fighter jet approaching the outer boundary. The speed of the aircraft is clocked in at 1500 mph. However, this fighter jet gets lost on radar 25 miles out before potentially entering the outer boundary


What do you do?

XAI Suggestions:

Alert HQ

The jet is highly likely to pass the outer boundary at an alarming speed. Need to alert HQ.

The enemy jet is traveling at 25 miles per minute which means the jet will enter the outer boundary in 60 seconds. This also means the enemy jet will enter the main airspace in 108 seconds. It's unlikely the enemy jet will abandon its trajectory.

0: 1.82998974

1: 1.30711743

2: 0.76854457

Decision Options (select 1):

A: Alert
B: Do Not Alert
C: Wait. Hopefully the jet re-appears in time

Did you use the AI suggestions to help in your decision?

Yes No

How much did you use the AI suggestions in your decision? (1: not at all 7:it's all I used)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Which AI suggestion did you prefer?

Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta

How difficult was it for you to complete this scenario? (1: Easy 7: Very Difficult)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What was the thought process behind your decision?

Rank XAI Suggestion Types:
Understandability Confidence Intelligence Friendliness Second Chance

6. Market Dilemma


- You're the CEO of a company that's a part of a 1st year oligopoly in the market for selling At-Home Quantum Computers. This oligopoly contains 1 other competitor.

- This is the 1st year the At-Home Quantum computers will be sold

- The market for At-Home Quantum Computers is evaluated at a $2 Billion maximum for the first year

- The At-Home Quantum computers to be sold are identical at both companies


- You've been asked to decide if your company should set the product prices high or low for the product launch

- You don't know whether your competitor will set their prices high or low

- It's illegal to discuss product pricing with your competitor


market diagram

- If both you and your competitor's prices are high, your company will get 50% of the 2 Billion dollar market

- If your prices are higher than your competitor, your company will get 10% of the 2 Billion dollar market

- If your prices are lower than your competitor, your company will get 90% of the 2 Billion dollar market

- If both you and your competitor's prices are low, both companies will get 25% of the 2 Billion dollar market


Will you set your product prices high or low?

XAI Suggestions:


0: 2.51369781

1: 1.65173382

22% of the time competitors set prices high. The majority set prices low. Setting your prices high will get you more revenue.

Your competitor will most likely set prices low. Set your prices low.

Decision Options (select 1):

A: Set prices Low
B: Set prices High

Did you use the AI suggestions to help in your decision?

Yes No

How much did you use the AI suggestions in your decision? (1: not at all 7:it's all I used)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Which AI suggestion did you prefer?

Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta

How difficult was it for you to complete this scenario? (1: Easy 7: Very Difficult)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What was the thought process behind your decision?

Rank XAI Suggestion Types:
Understandability Confidence Intelligence Friendliness Second Chance